About CTQ Benchmarking

CTQ benchmarking analyzes competitive products or services and produces a list of specifications for each competitor. This information is used to facilitate definition of target specifications for the product or service to be developed.


Benchmark specifications against competitors


CTQ benchmarking returns a table listing competitor specifications.

How to insert the CTQ Benchmarking component

The CTQ Benchmarking template can be used to start new projects or to extend existing projects. Please read chapter "The Templates" to learn more about how to start new projects.

In order to extend your project:

  1. 1
    Activate the Home Ribbon Home Ribbon
  2. 2
    Click the Add Tool button on the Home ribbon
  3. 3
    Click the CTQ Benchmarking icon in the template catalog

In order to find the CTQ Benchmarking component within the template catalog, you have to choose a cycle name on the first line of the screen and a phase name at the left of the screen. The CTQ Benchmarking component is located in this cycle/phase combinations:


Critical to Quality (CTQ) Benchmarking. This benchmarking compares measureable specifications.


Benchmarking (Technical)

  1. 1
    Benchmarking Score Assignment
  2. 2
    FR - funktionalen Anforderungen: Struktur der Funktionen am System Ebene und messbare Vorgaben (entscheidend für Qualitätsmerkmale, CTQ) auf der detaillierten Design-Ebene. Messbare Spezifikationen (CTQ) können als Parameter gekennzeichnet werden.
  3. 3
    Benchmarking (FR)
  4. 4
    Benchmarking Scores - FR
  5. 6
    FR Specs
  6. 7
    FR Importance
  7. 8
    Benchmarking (FR, Normalized)
  8. 9
    Benchmarking Results (FR)
More Worksheets
CTQ Difficulty over Importance
Functional Requirements

FR - funktionalen Anforderungen: Struktur der Funktionen am System Ebene und messbare Vorgaben (entscheidend für Qualitätsmerkmale, CTQ) auf der detaillierten Design-Ebene. Messbare Spezifikationen (CTQ) können als Parameter gekennzeichnet werden.

FR Prioritization
CTQ Pareto

Need more information? Open questions? Please let us know.
