Qualica is available under different licensing models. Support contracts are available covering latest product updates and technical support by phone or e-mail.
License Models
Qualica Software can be licensed with different licensing models. There are single user licenses and shared network licenses available. Purchasing a license will always include 1 year free support. During the support period, you are eligible to receiving all minor and major updates for your product. The support period can be extended by buying a 1 year maintenance contract. If a maintenance contract has expired for more than a year, you can purchase the latest product version as a cost reduced update.
Software Maintenance Contracts
With the purchase of a license you get also a maintenance contract granting free product updates and support by phone and email for one year. After that, you can purchase an extension of this maintenance contract for 1 year and so on. Maintenance contracts have to be prolongated continuously. If a maintenance contract has expired for more than 6 months, you can purchase a separate software update to get back to the latest product version.
Terms and Conditions
The licenser is obliged to provide the following services to the contact(s) of the licensee:
- Technical support for the purchased product and supported operating systems. This technical support is explicitly limited for technical questions regarding the product mentioned herein before. The contract includes a contingent of 10 error reports per user and year, up from 10 users 5 error reports and up from 50 users a contingent of 2 error reports per user and year. Maintenance contracts are only available for the latest product version.
- Removal of the reported error. An error is an operating feature in the software that does not comply with the technical documentation provided in the reference manual. This especially does not cover anomalies of the operating system, communication layers, window managers and hardware. The removal of an error is done by the providing a patch in an adequate period of time normally during one working day. Support for fitted und specific company solutions is not covered with this maintenance contract. The delivery of the patches is done by download (www.qualica.net).
- New versions of Qualica 19 (Major Update) that have extended functions will be provide to the licensee during the period of validity of his maintenance contract free of charge.
- During the period of validity the licensee is entitled to download the current patches from the licenser’s webserver as often as (s)he wants without the need of a preceding bug report.
Product Updates
If you have not had a valid support contract for more than 6 months, you can buy a license for the latest version of the software for a reduced price. This update again includes a software maintenance contract for one year. If your service contract has expired for less than 6 months, you are obliged to purchase a service contract extension for 12 months.