
QFD / Market Segments Table  

Prioritization by customer group / market segment

How to insert the component

The template can be used to start new projects or to extend existing projects. Please read chapter "Templates" to learn more about how to start new projects.

In order to extend your project:

  1. 1
    Activate the Insert Ribbon Insert Ribbon
  2. 2
    Click the Add Tool button on the Insert ribbon
  3. 3
    Click the icon in the template catalog

The component is located in this cycle/phase combinations:

    Activate the right cycle by clicking its item at the blue left section of the template catalog. Then scroll the window to the right phase in order to find the module .


    The QFD0 Worksheet

    1. 1
      List of Criteria
      This is the list of criteria to prioritize. In this case the customer requirements (VOC).
    2. 2
      QFD 0 Matrix
      The columns of this table are the different market segments or variants in your project. Enter a score for each item and variant. You can use any kind of scale, e.g. 1...6. The calculation function will create a 100% score from these input weights.
    3. 3
      This table shows the calculated results from the scores at the left. In a first step, each column of the QFD 0 table gets normalized to 100%. In a default setup, the final importance values are calculated as the mean of all market segments. If you add the Variants layer to the project, individual importance values for each variant will be kept throughout the whole project.

    Need more information? Open questions? Please let us know.
