Prioritization by customer group / market segment

How to insert the component

The template can be used to start new projects or to extend existing projects. Please read chapter "The Templates" to learn more about how to start new projects.

In order to extend your project:

  1. 1
    Activate the Home Ribbon Home Ribbon
  2. 2
    Click the Add Tool button on the Home ribbon
  3. 3
    Click the icon in the template catalog

In order to find the component within the template catalog, you have to choose a cycle name on the first line of the screen and a phase name at the left of the screen. The component is located in this cycle/phase combinations:



    The QFD0 Worksheet

    The Market Segment Table component has only this single worksheet.

    1. Add your market segments / customer groups / variants here.
    2. Enter the weights for each VOC and each variant.
    3. The importance is calculated from the input weights for each variant.

    The resulting importance vector has a hidden layer dimension based on the variants. Different values for different variants are kept from here throughout the whole qfd cascade.

    1. 1
    2. 2
      VOC - Stimme des Kunden: Hierarchistruktur der System- und Nutzeranforderungen. VOC sollten Kundennutzen beschreiben.
    3. 4
      VOC Importance

    Need more information? Open questions? Please let us know.
