10-day Black Belt certification course. Requires DFSS Green Belt training. Required for specialists and project leaders who want to be able to develop a roadmap of methods to be used on a given project or who need to be able to facilitate workshops.

Learning Objectives

Learn how to apply Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma to complex and cross functional projects. Be able to use advanced statistical data analysis and decision-making tools. Lead teams of Green Belts and Yellow Belts. Black Belt training will provide you with in-depth understanding of the Six Sigma toolkit. During this training course you will apply six Sigma tools in highly interactive hands-on classroom simulations.


  • DFSS und Six Sigma in komplexen und nicht standardmäßigen Situationen
  • Analytischer Hierarchieprozess (AHP) zur Konzeptauswahl und Priorisierung
  • Advanced Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
  • Qualitative und quantitative Fehlerbaumanalyse (FTA)
  • Verarbeitungsfähigkeit für nicht normale Daten
  • Hypothesentest für nicht normale Daten
  • Erweiterte ANOVA- und multiple lineare Regressionsanalyse
  • Analyse des Messsystems (Gage R & amp; R) zur zerstörenden Prüfung
  • Erweiterte Versuchsplanung: Reaktionsoberflächenmethode, DSD, Plackett-Burman und d-Optimal-Entwürfe
  • P-Chart, Robustheitscheckliste, QFD Design Knowledge Matrix und DOE für Robust Design
  • Fehlerausbreitung
  • Axiomatisches Design und die Designstrukturmatrix
  • Mischungsexperimente und DOE zur Charakterisierung des Designraums für ICH Quality by Design (optional)
  • Multivariate Analyse: PCA und partielle kleinste Quadrate
  • Bestimmung der Probengröße und AQL
  • Statistische Toleranz und Monte-Carlo-Simulation
  • Erweiterte Regelkarten
  • Zuverlässigkeit, Planung von Lebenszyklustests, Analyse von Garantieansprüchen und Feldreparaturdaten mit Weibull und anderen Modellen
  • Verwalten von Six Sigma-Projekten

Target Audience

DFSS Green Belts who need a broader toolset to solve complex nonstandard situations. Participants will need to pass a written exam at the end of the course. To receive Black Belt certification participants must successfully complete and submit a Black Belt project after attending the course.


Participants must have attended Green Belt training before attending this course. Participants are required to bring a Laptop computer with the appropriate statistical and DFSS software package installed. The software packages used will be agreed upfront and indicated in the course invitation. We typically use a combination of QUALICA or EXCEL for DFSS and MINITAB, JMP, R, MODDE, SIMCA, STATEASE or CRGRAPH software or a combination thereof for Six Sigma statistics.