Status & Access


returns mean importances for each customer group compatible to a QFD0 matrix

Collection ahpmean(Collection ahpimportance, Collection customergroup)


Retrieves the attribute of a given scalar, vector or matrix.

Object attributelookup(Object src, string name, boolean handle_enumerations=false, Object def=nothing)


Collection currentlayer(Collection source, Object type=0)


searches for a maximum or minimum value of items in a diagram defined by a interrelationship matrix

Collection diagramlookup(Collection diagram, Collection src, integer iterations=1, boolean findmaximum=true, integer level=nothing)


expands the dimension of the given object by 1

Object extend(Collection src, Collection dim, integer lev=leafLevel, integer =leafLevel)


Used for conditional formatting. Using this function creates one of the 4 available conditional format states. For each state, individual format settings can be set.

Collection formatcondition(integer mode, Collection src, Object val1=nothing, Object val2=nothing, Object val3=nothing, Object val4=nothing, Object val5=nothing, Object val6=nothing)


returns the upper 16 bit of a 32 bit integer value

integer hiword(Collection value)


detects identical rows or columns in a matrix or tensor.

Collection identicalrows(Collection tensor, Object rowdim, Object coldim)


detects empty rows or columns in a matrix or tensor.

Collection isemptyrow(Collection tensor, Object rowdim, Object coldim)


Checks if a cell is marked as the primary cell of a matrix

Collection isprimary(Object obj)


Checks if a cell is marked with a specified user defined state.

Collection isstate(Object obj, Object state=nothing)


Returns the content of the given collection in a new collection using the bottom level of the attached tree.

Collection leaflev(Collection src)


Returns the content of the given collection in a new collection using specified levels of the attached trees.

Collection lev(Collection src, integer dim1=nothing, integer dim2=nothing, integer dim3=nothing, integer dim4=nothing, integer dim5=nothing, integer dim6=nothing, integer dim7=nothing, integer dim8=nothing)


returns the lower 16 bit of a 32 bit integer value

integer loword(Collection value)


Returns a vector the same size as the two input vectors. The result contains the cells of the given matrix found at the coordinates specified by x and y.

Collection matrixlookup(Collection x, Collection y, Collection matrix)


Collection mget(string system, string table, string column="", string name1="", string name2="", string name3="")


Returns the content of the given collection in a new collection using the outline level of the attached tree.

Collection outlev(Collection src)


reduces the dimension of the given object by 1

Object reduce(Collection src, Object dim, integer mode=reduce_to_median, integer =reduce_to_median)


Returns a section of a n-dimensional tensor with a dimension of n-1, e.g. a column of a matrix.

Object sectionlookup(Collection src, Object key, Collection header=nothing)


Collection selectedbranch(Collection source, Object selection)


Returns a part of a given source object, specified by a level descriptor for each dimension.

Object subset(Collection src, Object level=nothing)


Collection synctree(Collection net, Object relval=nothing)


Returns the content of the given collection in a new collection using the parameter level of the attached tree.

Collection syslev(Collection src)


Interrupts recalculation and returns an error message. The error message is shown in the session window. This function can be used for exception handling in user-defined functions.

integer throwerror(integer error)


Returns the list of TRIZ conflict resolutions for an auto matrix (roof matrix) of characteristics.

Collection trizsolution(Collection conflicts, Object parameters, Collection solutions)


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