
Determines the class of a failure according to its severity and occurence rating

Collection failureclass(Collection severity, Collection occurence, Collection designfailure=nothing, Object critical_s=9, Object significant_s=5, Object significant_o=4, Object =4)


Collection faulttree(Collection fltnet, Collection dir=1)


Looks for the best action attached to failure causes

Object fmbestaction(Collection initial, Collection attribute, Object level=nothing, Object impstate=nothing, Object impdate=nothing)


Collection fmeaform(Collection functions, Collection fct2flt, Collection fltnet, Collection format=0)


Collection fmearisk(Collection s, Collection o, Collection riskmatrix, Collection faultnet)


Maps a rating given for one side of a matrix to the other side of the matrix. Each row in the resulting vector computes to the maximum of all values in the rating vector which are connected to the row by the matrix.

Object fmmappedrating(Collection matrix, Collection rating, Collection maximize=1, Collection mapmode=1, Collection =1, Collection =1)


Maps a rating given for one side of a matrix to the other side of a second matrix. The two matrices have to have one common dimension. Each row in the resulting vector computes to the maximum of all values in the rating vector which are connected to the row by the matrix.

Object fmmappedratingex(Collection matrix1, Collection matrix2, Collection rating, Collection opt)


Collection fmnetfaulttype(Collection net)


Looks up the worst rating of all effects/causes connected to a failure by a automatrix (failure net)

Object fmnetrating(Collection source, Collection net, Object level, Object steps=1)


Maps a rating given for one side of a matrix to the other side of a second matrix. The two matrices have to have one common dimension. Each row in the resulting vector computes to the maximum of all values in the rating vector which are connected to the row by the matrix.

Object fmrating(Collection matrix, Collection condition, Collection rating, Collection default)


Collection fmrisk(Collection s, Collection o, Collection d, Collection type=nothing, Collection design_riskmatrix=nothing, Collection product_riskmatrix=nothing, integer mode=risk_matrix, integer lo=250, integer hi=500)


Evaluates probabilities for faults in a fault tree analysis

Object fta(Collection tree, Collection operators, Collection probabilities, Object total)


Collection haccp(Collection products, Collection ps, Collection rs, Collection cr, Collection cp, Collection selected=nothing)


Collection mcsimportance(Collection source, Collection probabilities)


Collection mcsprobability(Collection source, Collection probabilities, Object inverse=false, Collection p_default=nothing)


Collection mcssensitivity(Collection source, Collection best, Collection worst)


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