

Returns the short term process capability of normally distributed data described by mean, standard deviation, USL and LSL. Underlying data is characterized by 5th parameter as short term or long term.

Collection CPK(Collection mean, Collection stddev, Collection LSL, Collection USL, Collection st/lt=nothing, Collection dist=nothing, Collection failures=nothing, Collection samples=nothing, Collection param1=nothing, Collection param2=nothing, Collection param3=nothing, Collection st/lt=nothing, Collection =nothing, Collection st/lt=nothing, st/lt)

  • mean: is the mean of the normally distributed data.
  • stddev: is the standard deviation of the normally distributed data.
  • LSL: is the lower specification limit.
  • USL: is the upper specification limit
  • st/lt: indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • dist: Describes the distribution. May be empty if no distribution is provided. Normal distribution = 1.
  • failures: is the number of failures. May be empty if a distribution is provided. Must be >4 if no distribution is provided.
  • samples: is the number of trials. May be empty if a distribution is provided.
  • param1: is the 1st parameter of the distribution (mean or shape)
  • param2: is the 2nd parameter of the distribution (standard deviation or scale)
  • param3: is the 3rd parameter of the distribution, if defined.
  • st/lt: indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • : indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • st/lt: indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • st/lt:


Checks if a specific factor is used in the transfer function of a ctq.

Collection ispoefactor(Collection ctqmean, Collection factors, Object selected=nothing, Object factor=nothing)

  • ctqmean: A vector containing the mean values of CTQs
  • factors: A vector containing the factors used in the transfer functions of the mean values.
  • selected: Optional: a specific CTQ
  • factor: Optional: a specific factor


Returns the process capability of normally distributed data described by mean, standard deviation, USL and LSL.

Collection pk(Collection mean, Collection stddev, Collection LSL, Collection USL)

  • mean: is the mean of the normally distributed data.
  • stddev: is the standard deviation of the normally distributed data.
  • LSL: is the lower specification limit.
  • USL: is the upper specification limit


Calculates the propagation of errors (POE) for given mean values resulting from transfer functions.

Collection poe(Collection ctqmean, Collection facmean, Collection facstdd)

  • ctqmean: The mean values as results of transfer functions
  • facmean: The factors used to calculate the mean values for the CTQs
  • facstdd: The standard deviation of the factors


Calculates the sensitivity of a propagation of errors (POE) for given mean values resulting from transfer functions.

Collection poesensitivity(Collection ctqmean, Collection poe, Collection facmean, Collection facstdd)

  • ctqmean: The mean values as results of transfer functions
  • poe: The result of a POE calculation
  • facmean: The factors used to calculate the mean values for the CTQs
  • facstdd: The standard deviation of the factors


Returns the long term process performance of normally distributed data described by mean, standard deviation, USL and LSL. Underlying data is characterized by 5th parameter as short term or long term.

Collection ppk(Collection mean, Collection stddev, Collection LSL, Collection USL, Collection st/lt, Collection , Collection st/lt)

  • mean: is the mean of the normally distributed data.
  • stddev: is the standard deviation of the normally distributed data.
  • LSL: is the lower specification limit.
  • USL: is the upper specification limit
  • st/lt: indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • : indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • st/lt: indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.


Returns the short term Process Sigma for a given long term DPMO. Applies a Sigma shift of 1.5.

Collection processsigma(Collection DPMO, Collection SHIFT=nothing, Collection ZLSL=nothing, Collection ZUSL=nothing)

  • DPMO: are the defects per million opportunities (DPMO).
  • SHIFT: Is the optional sigma shift. Default is 1.5
  • ZLSL: is the z value for the lower specification limit
  • ZUSL: is the z value for the upper specification limit


fills a vector by multiplying an input value by the value in the previous row of the vector. (f(i)=f(i-1)*x)

Collection rty(Object value, Object start, Object sort=nothing, boolean asc=false, Object , Object , Object =nothing, boolean =false)

  • value: is the scalar or vector with the input values
  • start: is the initial value
  • sort: defines a sort order
  • asc: true: sort ascending, false: sort descending
  • : is the scalar or vector with the input values
  • : is the initial value
  • : defines a sort order
  • : true: sort ascending, false: sort descending


returns the delta between the targeted Process Sigma and the measured or estmated Process Sigma considering the predicition maturity level.

Collection sigmagap(Collection ProcessSigma, Collection SigmaRisk, Collection TargetSigma)

  • ProcessSigma: is the Process Sigma measured or estimated
  • SigmaRisk: is the required safety margin on Process Sigma associated with the prediction maturity level.
  • TargetSigma: is the Process Sigma target.


Calculates the target standard deviation

Collection targetstddev(Collection Target, Collection LSL, Collection USL, Collection ProcessSigma)

  • Target: is the target value
  • LSL: is the lower specification limit
  • USL: is the upper specification limit
  • ProcessSigma: is the target process sigma value


Marks a column to be calculated by transfer functions that refer to a given vector of factors.

Collection transferfunction(Collection factors)

  • factors: A vector of factors.


Returns the Z value for a specification limit (upper or lower). The functions expects normally distributed data described by mean and standard deviation. The four arguments are: spec limit, mean, stddev, short/long term.

Collection zsl(Collection mean, Collection stddev, Collection limit, Collection st/lt, Collection , Collection st/lt)

  • mean: is the mean of the normally distributed data.
  • stddev: is the standard deviation of the normally distributed data.
  • limit: is the specification limit the Z value is to be determined for (select the upper spec limit to determine Z-USL or lower spec limit for Z-LSL).
  • st/lt: indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • : indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.
  • st/lt: indicates whether the data is long term (1.0) or short term (1.3). The value is the factor for the relationship of short term and long term standard deviation: s_lt = 1.3 * s_st.


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