Matrix Fill


fills a vector by adding an input value to the value in the previous row of the vector. (f(i)=f(i-1)+x)

Collection accumulate(Object value, Object start, Object sort=nothing, boolean asc=true, Object , Object , Object =nothing, boolean =true)

  • value: is the scalar or vector with the input values
  • start: is the initial value
  • sort: defines a sort order
  • asc: true: sort ascending, false: sort descending
  • : is the scalar or vector with the input values
  • : is the initial value
  • : defines a sort order
  • : true: sort ascending, false: sort descending


Creates group index numbers from 1 to 3 for all values in the weight input column.

Collection groupby(Object weight, Object lo=0.333333, Object hi=0.666666, Object hi2=nothing, Object hi3=nothing, Object hi4=nothing)

  • weight: is a column containing weights
  • lo: is the specification limit between group 1 and 2
  • hi: is the specification limit between group 2 and 3
  • hi2: is the specification limit between group 2 and 3
  • hi3: is the specification limit between group 2 and 3
  • hi4: is the specification limit between group 2 and 3


Limits the first argument to a given minimum and maximum

Collection limit(Collection value, Collection min, Collection max=nothing)

  • value: is the input value
  • min: is the lower bound of the range
  • max: is the upper bound of the range


Inserts a given value into all cells of a matrix whose columns and rows are found in two collections of selected items.

Collection markselected(Collection matrix, Object sel0, Object sel1, Object val)

  • matrix: The input matrix
  • sel0: A tree or custom list value containing the selected rows
  • sel1: A tree or custom list value containing the selected columns
  • val: The value to be inserted into a cell, if column and row are both found in the two collection of selected items.


returns either the first or second function argument depending on the state and value of the first argument

Collection merge(Collection x, Collection y, Collection v=nothing)

  • x: contains the primary values
  • y: contains the secondary values
  • v: a primary value equal to this will be ignored and the secondary value will be taken instead


Completes a partially filled Automatrix (quadratic matrix) by filling empty cells with the inverse values of the corresponding transposed cells..

Collection mirrorcustom(Collection x, Collection lt, Collection eq, Collection gt)

  • x: is the partially filled Automatrix
  • lt: is the value for 'less important'
  • eq: is the value for 'equally important'
  • gt: is the value for 'more important'


Completes a partially filled Automatrix (quadratic matrix) by filling empty cells with the negated values of the corresponding transposed cells.

Collection mirrorneg(Collection x)

  • x: is the partially filled Automatrix


Completes a partially filled automatrix (quadratic matrix) by filling empty cells with the inverse values of the corresponding transposed cells.

Collection mirrorreciprocal(Collection x, float total=0.0, boolean ahp=true)

  • x: is the partially filled automatrix
  • total: the intended total sum for each column of the result, 1.0 for percentage, 0.0 to skip normalization
  • ahp: if true, only items belonging to the same group will be part of the result.


Maps the numbers in a container from an old to a new range.

Collection scale(Collection x, Numeric min1, Numeric max1, Numeric min2, Numeric max2)

  • x: is the container which contains the values you want to rescale.
  • min1: is the lower boundary of the old range.
  • max1: is the upper boundary of the old range.
  • min2: is the lower boundary of the new range.
  • max2: is the upper boundary of the new range.


Enters the selection from an single or multivalued enumeration into a matrix or vector.

Collection selection(Collection x, Collection val)

  • x: The field or vector containing the enumerations.
  • val: The value to be entered into the selected cells


Creates a vector from the values of a given source vector. The rows of the new vector are shifted by a given offset.

Collection shift(Collection vector, integer offset)

  • vector: the vector that contains the values
  • offset: the offset between the source and the target vector


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